Fuji Velvia has been the preferred choice of film for landscape and nature photographers, renowned for its vivid reds and blues that captured the essence of Grand Canyon landscapes. As a LUT, it’s a niche offering, created out of love for this classic film to cater to enthusiasts of its distinctive style.
The LUT adds a significant amount of contrast and color contrast, while also saturating most color bands with extra emphasis on reds and blues.
Included in the download:
1x ANDP Fuji Velvia 50 LUT 64bit(*.CUBE)
1x ANDP Fuji Velvia 50 LUT 32bit(*.CUBE)
1x ANDP Fuji Velvia 50 Adobe Profile (*.XMP)
1x ANDP Developer Preset (XMP)
1x ANDP Film Fading LUT 64bit (*.CUBE)
1x ANDP 35mm Film Grain Overlay Photoshop Actions (*.ATN)
1x Instructions File (PDF)
Image by Michael Dziedzic
Image by Allyson Beaucourt
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