MEGA FREE* UPDATE June 2024 – XMP Profiles (and more) are now here (!)

Hello FilmStylers! So, you asked, we delivered. The v0 to v1 update of the collection is complete. And here you can read about the changes we included.

XMP profiles

The most significant upgrade of all as we finally managed to debug the “crs:Table” line that was not playing along with the exports out of 3DLUTCreator. We have now achieved a 1:1 conversion of the 32bit version of the LUTs into XMP profiles. These will work similarly to camera or Adobe Profiles and not as presets. Meaning, you can load the profile and then tweak as you see fit inside the xmp editor of your choice (Lightroom, CaptureOne etc).

32bit Versions of the LUTs

Panasonic Users often reached out because the 64bit versions of the LUTs didn’t load in their cameras. After many support tickets asking for conversions, 32bit versions of the LUTs are now provided by default.

Developer XMP file now included

Assuming that the digital images are shot in “Standard” profiles, this xmp preset aims to flatten the image before applying a LUT. Use this first, if applying the LUT ends up with too high contrast for you.

It is a FREE update for existing users with an account!

If you already have an account to our website, then you can download the updated (v1 version) of your purchased Film Styles for free. If you don’t have an account, unfortunately we will have to do some manual labor to re process your order and therefore we ask for a one time fee of 5€ paid via Paypal to convert all of your past orders and sent them via email. In the description, please list your order numbers. We will then send you an email to the same email you submitted to us when making the purchase.

Thank you for your preference and we hope you make the most out of our new product structure!

Update: 32bit versions of the LUTs, mainly for in camera use for Panasonic Camera Users and other cameras that support LUTs.

Hello Filmstylers,

a few Panasonic Camera users which wanted to load our LUTs inside their cameras for live previewing weren’t able to do so. We had a couple of trouble shooting tickets on this matter we came up with the solution. Panasonic supports 32bit versions for LUTs where all of our products are delivered for higher quality at 64bit.

A fast solution for you is to open the LUT in Photoshop in an empty document with a background layer, and re-export it as a 32bit .CUBE file when choosing the quality options. If for any reason this is not possible and the LUTs didn’t work for you, quickly send us a support email at and we will take care to do the conversion for you. Attaching your order(s) number(s) will be needed and we will send you the 32bit versions for the LUTs you already own.

In any case, coming next Friday, March 1st 2024, we scheduled to update all existing products to include both 32bit and 64bit versions for this reason.

Thank you and happy LUTing!

Hello World! A warm welcome from ANDP FilmStyles.

Welcome to our first blog post, and a big shout-out to our early supporters from the Reddit community and the New Yorkers who have embraced our first marketing campaign. We’re thrilled to have you here!

In this post, we want to share what we’ve been up to and explain why adding a LUT (Look-Up Table) to your collection can be a game-changer for your creative workflow, just as it has been for us.

Traditionally, film emulation and simulation have been a niche art, with high-quality options often coming at a premium. At the same time, lower-priced options tend to provide mediocre results. We’re here to change that.

Thinking about our users, we’ve recognized two main groups: (a) digital enthusiasts who want to infuse a classic touch into their images and (b) film photographers looking to fine-tune their color grading. Our goal was to create a delivery system that respects both these categories.

Why Choose LUTs Over Presets?

Let’s address the term “presets”, mostly referring to the several .xmp preset packs and NOT .xmp profiles. Presets are often a simple setting that could have looked decent in one image or set of images but would fall short for a wider range of images. Especially when we aim for film simulation, the limitations of the .xmp presets become apparent.

LUTs, or Look-Up Tables, or XMP profiles built on LUTs, provide a fundamentally different approach to image enhancement compared to presets. They work on a pixel-level, offering direct and precise adjustments to your images. In contrast, presets are essentially sets of instructions for editing software, making broader adjustments to large groups of pixels, even those we don’t want to affect.

And how this translates to the every day workflow? You can load an xmp profile or lut, while just developing your images in a flat way. You are done in two simple steps. You will never have to browse dozens of presets to find the one that suits your style because using profiles and simple development works out of the box to deliver a genuine film simulation.

We won’t bore you with technical details in this welcoming message, but it’s these technical distinctions that have made our efforts successful, drawing more and more visitors to our site.

The Road Ahead: Our Knowledge Base

Looking ahead, we have exciting plans to build a comprehensive knowledge base that will be a valuable resource for all our users. In the knowledge base, you can expect to find a wealth of tutorials and examples that will guide you through the art of using LUTs effectively. We’re not just about handing out color grades; we’re also dedicated to explaining the theory behind them and helping you elevate the quality of your film or film simulation projects.

Our tutorials will cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of LUT usage to advanced techniques for achieving unique and stunning results. We’ll also provide real-world examples to illustrate the power of LUTs in enhancing different types of images, so you can see firsthand how they can transform your work.

So, you can expect some key blog posts for a start, and as they get more and more, they will get organized into what we will be referring to as our knowledge base.

Final Thoughts

That’s all for now. Once again, welcome, and thank you for reading! We truly value your attention, and if you’ve made it this far, you deserve a reward. Feel free to use the code WELCOME20 to enjoy a 20% discount.