Hello FilmStylers! So, you asked, we delivered. The v0 to v1 update of the collection is complete. And here you can read about the changes we included.
XMP profiles
The most significant upgrade of all as we finally managed to debug the “crs:Table” line that was not playing along with the exports out of 3DLUTCreator. We have now achieved a 1:1 conversion of the 32bit version of the LUTs into XMP profiles. These will work similarly to camera or Adobe Profiles and not as presets. Meaning, you can load the profile and then tweak as you see fit inside the xmp editor of your choice (Lightroom, CaptureOne etc).
32bit Versions of the LUTs
Panasonic Users often reached out because the 64bit versions of the LUTs didn’t load in their cameras. After many support tickets asking for conversions, 32bit versions of the LUTs are now provided by default.
Developer XMP file now included
Assuming that the digital images are shot in “Standard” profiles, this xmp preset aims to flatten the image before applying a LUT. Use this first, if applying the LUT ends up with too high contrast for you.
It is a FREE update for existing users with an account!
If you already have an account to our website, then you can download the updated (v1 version) of your purchased Film Styles for free. If you don’t have an account, unfortunately we will have to do some manual labor to re process your order and therefore we ask for a one time fee of 5€ paid via Paypal to convert all of your past orders and sent them via email. In the description, please list your order numbers. We will then send you an email to the same email you submitted to us when making the purchase.
Thank you for your preference and we hope you make the most out of our new product structure!